Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Just out: Our new Observer edition for the iPad

If you have an iPad (or hope to get one under the tree) we invite you to try our newly released Observer app for iPad.

This tablet edition is tailored specifically to take advantage of the iPad’s features. And it’s a leap ahead of our former iPad edition. Among the features I think you’ll like:

-- Easier navigation and a friendlier format.

-- More photos and videos.

-- The ability to leave a comment by a story.

-- More topics added, including a weather page and obituaries.

Also, with one click of an icon (in the uppermost right-hand corner of the screen), you can move from the iPad edition to the E-edition. That’s the very popular replica of the printed Charlotte Observer in a digital format.

What did he say? Yes, the E-edition is a digital replica of the actual printed newspaper.
Readers who like printed newspapers love this version.

If you subscribe to the Observer, you already have unlimited access to both of these formats, as well as our smartphone apps (iPhone and Android). If you don’t subscribe, but would like to take a test drive, try a one-month trial subscription for digital access to all of these products for only 99 cents.

We've also made it easy for you to download our apps for iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows 8. Users of all other web-enabled phones will find similar improvements at our mobile website. Simply aim your browser at

We know you spend more time now reading screens of all kinds. Our goal is to always be where you need us to be when you turn to The Charlotte Observer.


Anonymous said...

And how much will this particular version cost us? (Not that we're really paying for them anyway.)

Anonymous said...

If you are a subscriber, you have all of this access at no added cost. In fact, you can use the same subscription on up to five devices. So, all of you who subscribe, it's there for you. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Reading it free is worth it, and didn't they just release a new version just a few weeks ago?

Anonymous said...

What we released a few weeks ago was an update to the iPhone app (Android, too). If you read the Observer by phone, it's an update worth downloading.

Anonymous said...

New app looks good but I can't find the link to the digital subscription sign in and the bottom ad is distracting so I probably won't use this app.

ScottCLT said...

The new update for Android phone is awesome! And I tried the iPad version briefly yesterday - looks very good too!